Last updated: Wednesday, 1-oct-97 12:52 GMT
Gravevandals confess: "We did it for Satan!"
KARLSTAD, SWEDEN, september 12 1997:
atanists destroyed 34 headstones and turned a number of
crosses upside down on the old cemetery in Karlstad on the night between
august 15 and 16. Two 17-year old men were apprehended three days later and
both of them confessed to the police. One of the men openly admits being a
"soldier in the army of Anti-Christ", and said that vandalising the cemetary
was a religious act and an attack on christianity. The other one said he was
drunk and was being led on by his friend. The estimated cost for tidying their
mess up again is somewhere around 10.000 skr (about $1.250). "As far as we
know, there is no organised group of satanists in Karlstad" sais policeofficer
Rolf Sandberg "but it is under investigation". The two men has used
internet to get in touch with other satanists, and they have also mentioned
connections in Norway, among others Scandinavias most known satanist who uses
the name "Greven". "When we arrested them they were wearing satanistsymbols
on their clothes and we have found things in their homes supporting their
claims to be devilworshippers", sais Rolf Sandberg. "Naturally, they
have the right to have any believs they want, but when they take it out on
other peoples religion it is both illegal and morally unjustifiable".
Both men were brought to trial and found guilty. One of them was also
found guilty of driving a stolen car on the same night.