Last updated: Wednesday, 1-oct-97 12:52 GMT
Swedish UFO-mania!
Hagfors, Sweden:
n intense light lit up the skyline west of Hagfors
in the evening of friday, august 22. One of the observers, Bror Henriksson,
tells his version: "We were like paralyzed, my sister and myself. I don't believe
in UFO:s, but what else could it have been. I would really like an explanation."
It was friday evening at about half past ten when Bror Henriksson and
his sister discovered the strange light. They were positioned at Hagälvsgården
and the lights appeared to be coming from southwest. "The lights were originating
from earth out towards space and it was seven beams moving back and forth.
It was so intense, the sky looked like it was in the middle of the day."
Bror and his sister found this quite strange and decided to try to find
out what was going on. They took their car and went south towards Uddeholm.
On their way they saw a lot of other cars had pulled over to watch the lightbeams
but no one seemed to have any logical explanation for the phenomena. Suddenly
the lights just disappeared "as if somebody had turned of a light". Bror
reporded the phenomena to the police, but they had not seen it nor had they any
explanation whatsoever to what it could have been. On tuesday august 26, local
newsmedia reported this "possible UFOsighting".
Next day however, after having read about it in the papers, Jan-Åke Brokvist
admitted being the ufo. He has a company selling and leasing lightequippment
for discjockeys, clubs etc. and he had been testing a newimported lightrigg
together with a friend on friday night. It was supposed to be used for festivals,
sport events and such, and has 40 lightbeams able to reach 12 kilometers. After
doing some tests he noticed that the cars on the highway started slowing down
and there was even an ambulance that reverted and came back. So he decided to
turn the equipment off. When Jan-Åke hears who reported the lightbeams
he bursts out laughing."Bror Henriksson?!, I know him. We have been neighburs
for 23 years."
(source: Värmlands Folkblad)
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