Last updated: Tuesday, 11-nov-97 16:14 GMT
Belgian House of Horrors!
Bruxelles, Belgium:
protestant priest in Belgium is suspected of having
murdered at least six people and buried them in and around his house in Molenbeek,
a suburb to Bruxelles.
Belgian police has uncovered parts of human skeletons, pieces of a skull, a leg and other parts.
"It is a macaber work we're doing." Philippe Moreaux, mayor of Molenbeek, told media, and it
could very easily turn out to be a belgian version of the "house of horrors" in Gloucester, where brittish police
dug up nine bodys in 1994.

(photo: REUTER)
Brittish policeofficer John Bennet, who was in charge of the Gloucestercase,
where Fredrick and Rosemary West murdered several young women
and hid their bodies in their home, is on location to support the belgian
police. An advanced sonarsystem is being used to try to locate possible
hidden rooms in the house and under the floors.
The suspect, 70 years old Andras Pandy, is a priest in the belgian protestant
church but is originally from Hungary, and it is suspected that he might
have tricked hungarian women to come visiting him and then murdered them.
Between 1986 and 1989 his two ex-wives dissappeared together with four of his
eight children. He then reported them missing, but later used forged letters
to prove that they had moved to hungary. Police now fears that he has murdered
several others appart from his own family.
One of Pandys living children, now 39-years old Agnes, has witnessed about her
father placing personals in hungarian papers to get in touch with new women.
According to her he is supposed to have met around twenty women this way.
He was looking for a third wife, probably after the murders of his first two.
His daughters claims is supported by a retired priest and by the hungarianprotestant
church of Belgium.
"Two years ago one of these women, a blond teacher, about 50 years old, came
to Belgium and after that noone has ever heard from her." the retired priest
Istvan Steszek sais.
Andras Pandy also owns two other houses in belgium, which the police will search,
and at the same time is Hungarian police busy searching a house 30 kilometers
north of Budapest, which is allso owned by Andras Pandy.
Last wednesday two women told hungarian newspaper Blikk that they had
visited Pandy in Bruxelles. They claimed that he kept them locked up
during their entire visit.
Andras Pandy claims to be totally innocent.
At the same time belgian police is trying to catch a serialkiller who has
killed and chopped up at least five victims, and dumping bodyparts along rivers
and roadsides in the south of Belgium.
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