Last updated: Wednesday, 1-oct-97 12:52 GMT

CIA admits lying about UFO:s!!!

T he CIA has always denied any secret documents concearning UFO:s. They have even denyed having the slightest interest in the matter - That is until now. A declassified report has been published and even made publicly availible on the Net. The report covers CIA interest and involvment in the
"UFO controversity" from the late 1940's up to 1990. I'ts quiet interesting reading as it takes of with the first reported flying saucer over the United States in june 1947, Project SAUCER (which became Project SIGN), GRUDGE and the infamous Project BLUE BOOK. All of these were supposed to keep a low profile, not to encurage the publics interest in the matter. The CIA and the airforce tried to investigate all reported sightings at the same time as they would tell everyone there was no such thing as UFO:s, giving all kinds of strange explanations. There were logical explanations to some sightings but with the cold war building up, the CIA was conserned that it was really the russians and not martians.
During the 1950's the CIA's interest in investigating UFOs faded and instead they started their coverups. The reason for this was that at this time most of the reported UFO-sightings were actually U-2 planes, still top secret at the time. The early U-2 planes were even silvercolored instead of black. The document goes on stating a continuing fade in CIA interest concearning UFOs from there up till today. It withholds the Project MOGUL-explanetion of the Roswell incident and continues to deny any knowledge whatsoever about Majestic-12.
I don't know if this is the truth or not but to me it makes sense. This could be the true story but on the other hand it could also be another try to make people loose their interest. It could also be that some is true and some is not, for as "Cancerman" put it: "The best place to hide a lie is between two truths..."
Anyway, One thing is totally clear. This document does not say UFOs don't exist. Even if the CIA do not believe the small number of still unexplained UFOs to be a potential threat on the USA, they still can't (as this report admits) explain what it is.

Read the entire document: CIA's Role in the study of UFOs,1947-90
Visit The CIA: Central Intellegence Agency
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