Last updated: Saturday, 1-nov-97 12:52 GMT


Firenze, Italy:
A strange object in the sky behind the Madonna in the 15th century painting "La Madonna E San Giovannino" is being explaned by ufologists as being a spacecraft. Some feels this should be taken as evidence of extraterrestrials visiting earth.
Others however sais this is ridiculus and claims the object in the painting is simply the star of Betlehem or something else of a divine origin, since it has a halo. It could also be some natural phenomena as for instance an eclipse.

Fiorenza Scalia, who works for the Palazzo Veccio Museum, home of the painting, has yet another theory: He thinks it could be part of an earlyer painting under the Madonna, having emerged after a bad restauration.

If it is supposed to be the star of Betlehem - how do we know for sure that the star wasn't a ufo in the first place?

(sources: Illustrerad Vetenskap, Centro Italiano Studi Ufologici,
Aaron Boss Ufopage & Nonsiamosoli Home Page.)

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