Last updated: Monday, 8-sept-97 17:49 GMT

Driver arrested - his mum didn't know!
Berlin, Germany, September 6 1997:
olice in the little village of Jüterbog
in Germany spotted a vehicle which they thought was manouvered a bit weird.
Suspecting a drunken driver, they managed to pull him over. Well it turned out
the driver wasn't |
drunk after all, but rather unused to the car, which he
had "borrowed" from his own mother without asking permission.
His mother was quite surprised when the policemen showed up with both her
son and her car. The son got of with only a warning from the police, and
after promising not to do it again, since he was only six years old, they let
him go!
(sources: DPA, TT, Aftonbladet)
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