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Wouldn't it be nice with some background music while surfing? Some people just hate it when music or soundaffects starts without warning when a page loads, so instead of putting the music on my pages I "invented" the UFO JUKEBOX. You can start it by a click on the button below, and it will open up in a seperate floating window. This window can then be minimized if You wish. The UFO JUKEBOX will keep playing until You close it. Even if You leave The Patrik Pages and go somewhere else. Default setting is random play, but if You rather hear something else You can use the controllbuttons on THE JUKEBOX or You can choose music from a list (just as with a real jukebox, only You don't have to put in the dime).

To Change The Music:

Clicking on the links below will change the music on the UFO JUKEBOX, But PLEASE make sure the JUKEBOX is already open and playing before trying, or else it probably won't work very well. The choise of music may seem a bit thin, but I'm preferably using music related to the topics of this site, and space (not outer space, but serverspace) is limited. I will update this page if and when I find some new songs, that I like and think will fit.

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