![]() Nude Sect wants to clone people: A copy will cost You 1,6 million skr!
"If You want to have an orgie, so You shall," Raël said on a camp in France, as the brittish journalist Lawrence Skilling was visiting in 1992. "Most attendants were walking around completely naked, and quite a few were openly fondling each other. And as the dark set in the activitys escalated. The next morning there were used condoms all over the camp - they got stuck under ones shoes all the time," Skilling sais. Kenny Lindqvist claims that when he attended an "awakeningassembly" in Switzerland last year everyone was wearing clothes, but after being shown photos from the french camp he sais: "I'ts all about throwing off ones inhibitions. If You want to be naked You are. If You want to have intercorse it's up to You. Since May Raël is offering a cloningservice - copying of people. It is called Clonaid and can be ordered from a company, Valiant Venture on the Bahamas. If someone for instance wants her dead husband back, they clone a copy of him for $200 000. Heriberto Rodriguez, professor of reproductionbiotechnology at The Swedish University of Agriculture, sais: "This is most upsetting. I am outraged by this offering. The only way to clone somebody today is by dividing a fertilized egg. Therefore, only a twin brother or sister can be created, not a copy of an adult." But Raël states that next step will be to clone grownups directly, without growthprocess and then transmit memory and personality. Another important project for the raëlians is to build an embassy where the aliens will be greeted when they comes to Earth. It is supposed to be finished 2030 by the latest and it will be built in Israel. There are about 40.000 raëlians in 85 countrys, according to Kenny Lindqvist, in Sweden there is 8. When Kenny dies, he, as all the raëlians will make sure that a piece of his skullbone will be sent to Raël so that he can make a clone of him. (Source: Metro & Flashback News Agency #86/Joachim Kerpner
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