Last updated: Saturday, 1-nov-97 12:52 GMT

Nude Sect do NOT want to clone people: Priest protests against mediacoverage!

SWEDEN, November 1997:
K enny Stolpe (previously known as Kenny Lindqvist), priest and leader of the swedish branch of the raëlians, has issued a statement protesting some of the things which has been said about the sect in swedish media recently.
He opposes to the use of the words "nudesect" as he claimes to be very misleading. "The Raelian movement, of which I am nationally responsible, apart from being a priest whithin, is a religious minority with a total openness. Anybody can leave or join the movement at any time. There is no use of brainwash whatsoever. On the contrary the movement supports critical and independent thinking. "Sects" is a word associated with closed societys. According to the UN and "the International Assosiation for the Defence of the religious freedom", the media should try to avoid souch a word and use "new religious minority". Use of the word "nudesect" have to do with the openminded way we look upon sexuality. For instance, we respect homosexuality. Many previous religious movements has made people feel shame over their sexuality and their bodys. The Raelian movement do not believe in either a soul nor God. Our conciousness and our feelings is closely connected to our bodys and if somebody is ashamed of his body and his sexuality, this will also affect the psyche in a negative way. This is why a lot of people were abandoning their clothes during the two-week camp/seminar referred to in a lot of articles. That "used condoms" was spread all over the place is wrong according to several persons I've talked to, who were precent at the seminar. Sex is not looked upon as something negative among the realians, and I have a great difficulty seing something wrong in people having sex. These articles gives You the impression that people were indulged in orgys all over the place, which is not true. The participants were doing this in their tents or in other secluded spots, much like any rockfestival but with the difference that realians never use drugs or get drunk and therefore are always concious about and take responsobility for their actions.
It is not the realian movement that wants to clone people, but a totally independent company, - founded thogh by the same person who founded the Raelian movement: Rael. The Raelian movement is a non-profit organisation where nobody gets payed for their work within it.
Using the word leader about me is also wrong, since You're told to follow your own will in the Raelian movement.", sais Kenny Stolpe in his statement.
(Source: Flashback News Agency #90)

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