It's A Weird World...

Thailand September 1998: To Much Monkey Business?
A monkey at Dusit Zoo in Bangkok got stuck with its arm in a
coconut! Yes it's true! Zoo personnel couldn't get the arm out of the nut no
matter what. They had to call for veterinarians who finally had to use a saw
to open the nut to set the monkey free. I tried to reach the monkey for an interview
but he had no cocomments.
Wales May 1998: When Your numbers up...
Toni Jones, 22, from Cardiff played Lotto week after week after
week - but she never won a dime. On May 10 she was really depressed so she killed
herself. Her family kept on playing her numbers (12, 21, 23, 25, 44, 49) sort
of in her honor, and about a month after her death they won 1,8 million pounds.
"I know money isn't everything, but if those numbers had come up two months
earlier Toni might still have been alive", says Toni's brother Scott.
England June 1997: Come on baby light my fire...
Paul Westhead, 25 years old male stripper and fire-eater from
Sheffield accidentally set himself on fire while performing at a hen party.
Seems like he got the hiccups while his mouth was full of benzene. He burnt
his face rather badly. I bet the girls found him really hot, though!