Weird Deaths!

They only kill their masters... October 1998:
Ex-marine, John Hwilka, 37, in Milwaukee was worried by a wave of break-ins
in his neighborhood, so he bought a gun and was teaching his mother how to use
it. In the middle of his lesson, Benji, his French poodle jumped up into his
lap, hit the gun that went of and shoot John in the chest. He tried to get to
the phone to call an ambulance but fell to the floor and never reached it. His
mother called the police and then tried to stop the bleeding. This wasn't the
first time this month that a dog killed his master: Last week Michael Trevethan
was killed by his dog when the dog accidentally(?) put the gear in and stumbled
onto the gas. He ran over and killed his master with his own pickup.
Christian Roulette... September 1998:
Melvyn Nurse, a 35 years old priest, in Jacksonville, Florida, was preaching
to an audience of teenagers about how easy one ends up wrong in life. "It's
like Russian roulette", he suddenly said, pulled a gun. Put it to his head and
blew his brains out. Police investigation showed the gun was loaded with blanks,
but the blank he fired had split in the gun and when it exploded it threw out
pieces of the cartridge, which was just as deadly as if it had been a live bullet.
It is believed that the "gun stunt" was supposed to be a dramatic demonstration
of what he was talking about. The kids who witnessed the event were quite shocked.
Well, at least his sermon made quite an impact....
Crocodile tears?...
Frans Holtzhauzen, a tourist-worker in Windhoek, Namibia, have been missing
since he disappeared on October 2d, when he was going for a swim on his 25th
birthday. Namibian authority's have now found him in the belly of a crocodile!
Act of God?
A 28-years old woman in Malmoe, Sweden, was taking her dog for a walk on October
23d. As she was approaching her building on the way back home her 20 years older
ex-husband suddenly jumped up from behind a bush. He was raving mad and he attacked
her with a knife. He managed to cut her in the arm before he suddenly fell to
the ground. Turned out he had died from a heart attack